About Us

The idea of forming a group dedicated to breast imaging in Canada has been going on for some time. Professionals interested in breast imaging have been engaged in the European Society of Breast Imaging as well as the Society of Breast Imaging in the United States. Recognizing that there was a need for a place to discuss uniquely Canadian issues related to breast imaging, the CSBI was founded in October 2017 with the support of the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR). Founding members include senior leading breast public/media from across the country including Drs. Jean Seely (Ontario), Nancy Wadden (Newfoundland), Shiela Appavoo (Alberta), Anabel Scaranelo (Ontario), Yves Loisel (Quebec) and Stephanie Schofield (Nova Scotia).

The CSBI is a home for Canadian breast imaging professionals and patients to discuss best practices, pressures on the system, and to celebrate successes. The CSBI will also be a focused vehicle to bring breast imaging stories from Canada to the rest of the world and vice versa.


The CSBI is dedicated to promoting excellence in breast imaging through the four pillars of advocacy, education, collaboration, and mentorship. Our mission is to enhance the quality of breast healthcare for patients across Canada by uniting professionals in the field, and by fostering a supportive, innovative and sustainable workforce.


A future where all Canadians have access to early detection of breast cancer and the highest quality breast imaging, regardless of geographic location or socioeconomic status.


  • to establish a society for the improvement and dissemination of breast imaging
  • to promote high-quality breast imaging that is patient-centred
  • to improve the quality of medical education in the practice of breast imaging
  • to foster research in all aspects of breast imaging
  • to provide a medium for the exchange of ideas among clinicians, researchers and healthcare professionals involved with breast imaging
  • to provide meetings for presentation and discussion of papers and the dissemination of knowledge in the area of breast imaging
  • to establish a channel for publication of scientific reports in the field of breast imaging; and
  • to respond to public/media inquiries concerning breast imaging
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